„Metamorphosis of Bioism“
Kunstraum Villa Friede, Bonn, Germany

„Metamorphosis of Bioism“
Kunstraum Villa Friede, Bonn, Germany

„Bioethische Abweichung als Grundprinzip der Paradiesgestaltung“
Johanneskirche, Düsseldorf, Germany.

„Composing Bioethical Choices“
Dreieinigkeitskirche, Munich, Germany

„The Evolutionary Optimism“
Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, Germany.

„The Evolutionary Optimism“
Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, Germany.


2022-2023 Grant of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and Goethe Institut in Dresden, Germany
2020 Pollock-Krasner grant, Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, USA
2017 „Über die Umschwünge der himmlischen Kreise“, public installation project funded by Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Germany
2012 Grant of Hybridartprojects (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in Mandrem, India
2011 Grant of The University’s Museum of Contemporary Art (Mexico City), in Venice, Italy
2011 Grant of Kunstgarten Graz, Austria
2010-2011 Grant of Hybridartprojects in El Zonte, El Salvador
2010 „bioism uprooting populus“, public installation project funded by Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung, Germany
2009 Art prize „Schlosspark 2009“, Cologne, Germany
2008 1st Prize in sculpture, XXXV Premio Bancaja, Valencia, Spain
2006 International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg, Austria (class of Shirin Neshat)
2001-2002 Art Academy Duesseldorf, Germany (class of Prof. Konrad Klapheck)
1974 born in Lozova, Charkiv o., and Marganetz, Dnipro o., Ukraine


Bioism, or biofuturism, is my attempt to create novel life forms and develop a new aesthetic for the future of organic life.

Bioism is a way to evolve art objects which express visual possibilities of the synthetic biology and bioethics.  

Bioism embodies the effort to generate art based on vitality, multiplicity, complexity, and deviations.

Bioism is an idea of the necessity to compose, to create new life worlds from the scratch, not to describe something already existing in the nature.

I regard each of my works as an uknown living being.

Bioism extends life to lifeless subjects.

Personally, I envision a future where, in the wake of a biological revolution, we will interact with living furniture, dwell in living houses, and explore space within living environments. However, the most captivating prospect lies in artists‘ ability to create new living substances, thus constructing advanced, non-suffering life forms. The artistic act will acquire the practical sense of life-forming. Art museums of the future could evolve into zoological gardens, galleries into new life diversity funds, and studios into laboratories of biological complexity.

Bioism aspires to disseminate new, limitless life forms throughout the universe.

Bioism forms an integral part of bioethical abolitionism.

As the aesthetics of the unpredictable and bizarre within synthetic biology, Bioism not only engenders innovative organic-like designs for life but also paves the way for future happiness, asserting that the emerging science and philosophy of paradise engineering embodies a new form of bioethics.

Trapped in the harsh uncertainties of the genetic lottery, I aspire to elevate humanity to a state of deviative progress through ongoing pursuit of paradise engineering.

Bioism is the revelation of a new era in bioethics.

Bioism extends beyond abolishing suffering; it expands the horizons of consciousness and empathy.

Bioism will redefine our ethical boundaries, enforce universal empathy, and actively work towards a future where suffering is minimized, well-being is maximized, and our relationship with the biological world is characterized by understanding and compassion.

Bioism is an invitation to participate in the advanced evolution.

Bioism is  increasingly inevitable while overcoming accelerating pace of biotechnological advancement.